Friday, May 2, 2008

I am currently at Hong Kong airport. Gate 24 to be precise.

The first flight wasn't too bad, except that I killed my ipod battery. The Hong Kong airport has only classy shops. Gucci and Armani and Prada. No fun booze, only classy whiskey. And no tasters like Singapore. Also, giant Silver Blobs.

Thank god for free wi-fi. We planned to watch streaming tv off the net to pass some of the 7 hours we would have to wait here. Only to turn on the EEE and find a flat battery. We looked everywhere for the a power socket but to no avail. I got really despondent as I then had no ipod for music for computer for miscellaneous.

Then found gate 24 which has all the recharge stations. Where I am now, so am happy again. About to get onto plane. So excited to see everyone. Also, very very tired.

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