Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tuesday 13-05 - The Enthusiastic Train.

Today we went to see our auntie, who live somewhere in the suburbs of London. We ride the train, Josh, my mum, my bobba and I, all the way out. The stop before our stop sits there for 10 minutes with the doors open. After a while we didn´t know if we had caught the wrong train. Eventually it leaves and gets to our stop. My bobba has knee problems so we help her out first, as soon as the door opens. It gives us only a few seconds and the moment she is out the door, it slams shut. Not even the open button worked. Before we know whats happening the train is speeding off with the rest of our group in it - looking bewildered and watching a bewildered gran shrinking into the distance.

And arrive in

But by this time my mum is laughing so hard she can barely breath. So we catch the next train back.

Finally gave baby presents to Karen and the little one. Which was a collection of Dr Seuss books and a large copy of the Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Then babysat for some friends of Karens for the cutest kid I have ever met. He knows more about fish than anyone I know. He knows the maximum lengths of almost any fish, plus loads of other info. Also we were given some wine. Yay!

And the Israel hostels are booked (except or Eilat and Beersheva, which I couldnt find anywhere).

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