Monday, May 5, 2008

Sunday 03-05 - The futniture

We made our way over to Dani´s house (after getting off the bus far to early and walking up half of Hackney). Then we put together her cupboard shelf thing. Well, Josh did most of the work.

Then we went for lunch in Hackney, which turned out to be a huge all day brekkie. I could never finish all the food on that plate. Tasty food. There were two different types of bubble n squeak.

Then to the hospital to see the baby. All our London family was there in the coffee room, as well as our israeli family who have flown over. We infested the room and scared the other, smaller, family waiting there. Little baby boy is still adorable.

We needed an electric drill to finish the shelf so we went to the Holbourn flat to borrow one. Only to get back to Dani´s to realise there were no drill heads. Ach. Luckily Josh is an engineer and good at these things, so was able to improvise. We put the desk together and drank pear cider.

Dinner was Cafe Pasta with mum and bobba. In a large deserted restaurant, we were seated right next to the 60th birthday party. We talked through out their speeches. Then back to ours to watch the 5th element and hit the remnants of our jetlag.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha. Great blog entry Em and such cool photos. I especiall y love the one of Josh and the drill and him with Dani and the bracket. dani said you had much fun and a huge bonding day ........ and it shows!!!!! I'm so happy you're all together again. MWAH Dad

Crispin said...

Heh. Josh looks like quite the handyman!

Emma Lurie said...

He is the handyman!

Josh said...

Damn straight.