Saturday, July 5, 2008

Monday 30-06 - Catch up

Today was a catch up day. I really needed a catch up day. After the early night, I woke up late. We wondered down to the bar for a late brekkie. They make good breakfasts. Then we set off with a set of tasks to accomplish.

We stopped off at a supermarket and a pharmacy first to stock up on things like soap and plasters and neurofen. Then we went to find clothes. The idea with my clothes packing for this trip was to bring basic tops and change them when they were worn through. They are now worn through. And stretched and stained.

I also now have a better idea of what I should be carrying around with me. Some of the tops I brought are not really suitable, but I don't want to wear them out. So I sent them back to London to sit with the rest of my things.

We found a giant shopping centre near the city which looked good. On the way there was an exhibit of amazing animal photos. It was set up in the street. Below each large piece was a description of the animal and a statistic about how screwed the world is. Things like poverty and environmental disaster. Depressing, but the pictures were good.

Inside the shopping mall we found H&M and some other shops. We went in there first because I knew it would the basics I needed to replenish my clothes selection. I found a green top and a red top. I thought I might go back later in the week.

New tops

We walked around the shops for a while then had lunch at the restaraunt-food court there. I had my first taste of the purple salad they always have here. wasn´t too bad, kind of like coleslaw.

We headed back to the hostel and updated blogs.

Josh and ozy

Ozy, Malfi

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