Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Friday 04-07 - Pizza and Kampa

I woke up late and relaxed through the morning. At around lunch time we left. We got pizza in the old town.

Prague pizza in a box

My vege slice

No more pizza

We walked through Kampa, a large park. Despite being a few hundred metres from the packed and bustling Charles bridge, Kampa was quiet. All I heard was the water of the river and the rustling trees. There were occasional people walking about to break the silence.

We went into the Kampa museum of modern art. There was an exhibit we saw a poster for that looked interesting. It was called Re-volution by the Cranking art group. Outside the museum there were giant plastic animals.

Giant orange bunnies, Kampa

Small orange bears, Kampa

Josh with distortion mirror

Inside there were pieces that involved small plastic animals stuck into buckets of clear plastic resembling water. There were neon plastic statues of ancient greek like heads, with plastic food or rocks stuck all over them. These were named ¨migraine¨. The expressions of unrest of the heads and placements of the food/rocks really captured the pain of migraine. Then back over the bridge.

Bridges down river in Prague

We passed through the old square as usual. This time, though, we noticed something different near the tour group meeting point. The was a young guy on a segway. Handing out brochures for a segway tour of Prague. It was 100Australian, but looked so amazing and excited. We happily took a brochure and thoguht about doing the tour the next day. The idea became more and more appealing as we walked on. By the time we reached the hostel we were set on the idea. A segway!! We could ride around like those wanky types you see. I´ve always wanted to try one. It seemed well worth blowing 100 dollars on.

In the evening we finally drank our absinthe. Then headed to the nearby Lucerna music bar, which has 80s and 90s video parties every weekend. Lots of fun dancing.

Our mini absinthe 1 Our mini absinthe 2

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