Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Friday 18 - Train to Torino (Tourin)

We over slept and only got the train at 10-30am. I wanted to leave earlier because I knew how long our ride would be. To get to Torino from Bologna, we would have to change trains in Milan. The journey would take us to 4pm. It was a long tiring day of travel. Plus it didn't start out well. As we came down stairs to check out, we were told that the buses were on strike. So we had to cab to the station. Luckily it as pretty close by.

Train from Bologna to Torino

On the train we wrote drafts, listened to music and read. On the first leg we had on entire cabin to ourselves. We could have had one each, the train was deserted. We used the last of the bread for nutella sammiches and ate some of the choc chip cookies we had.

The station at Milan was beautiful and reminded me a lot of the station in Paris. There were metal arches over the trains with glass between them. Even the room with the tickets had statues and high vaulted ceilings. we waited 45 minutes for the next train to Turin. While we waited we got a call from Dani saying that she might join us in Paris. A few days earlier she had also said she would join us in Belgium and some of Spain. But this was the soonest of the three. If she was indeed joining us in Paris, we would be seeing her in only 10 short sleeps. We got very excited at the prospect.

Milan station

The next train was a regional train so there were no compartments. There were only seats facing each other. We had the misfortune of setting ourselves down near a door that rattled very loudly when ever the train was moving. Josh and I worked out a system of wedging a newspaper between the door and the frame which seemed to dampen most of the noise. We took turns to replace the paper every time someone opened the door and it fell out.

When we arrived in Torino we found the info desk closed for renovations, with the next desk being half way across the city. It was clouded over but still both hot and humid. We only got half way there when the rain started. Heavy rain. So we gave in and caught the first cab we saw. In the end it wasn´t too far to our accommodation.

we dumped our things and got down to arranging these new plans. We had to cancel a bunch of reservations we had made but it was so worth it. We also caught up on our internets, as Ozymandias had been wifi free for almost a week, save the day spent in Bologna.

The rain was pouring outside. we watched it fall.

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