Monday, April 28, 2008

The climate

I suddenly realised that I was packing without actually knowing the climates I was packing for. So here is my estimate weather needs (According to this cool weather website.)

  • Egypt (may/June) - 20-30c. hot with cool nights.
  • Isreal (June) - 18-28c. warm and dry.
  • Greece (June) - 20-30c. Up to40 in a heat wave
  • Poland (June) - 12-24c. Lots of rain.
  • Czech Republic (June/July) - 10-23c. Rainy.
  • Austria (July) - 15-25c. Some thunderstorms.
  • Italy (July) - 16-30c generally. Very humid.
  • France (July/August) - South - 20-30c. Some rainfall.
  • - North - 15-25c. Rain and some heatwaves.
  • Holland (August) - 13-20c. All year rain.
  • Belgium (August) - 12-22c. Lots of rain.
  • Spain (August/September) - Madrid/Barcelona - 12-30c. No rain.
  • - Seville/Valecnia - 20-35c. Heatwaves, humid.
  • London (Sep-Nov) - nice winter weather to start, getting very cold (but not quite January cold).

All in all, doesn't sound too bad. I was worried at first that it would get too cold while backpacking for what I'm bringing (which is mostly summer stuff). But it seems that the really cold areas will be when I'm back in London with my stored winter clothes. The coldest Non-London places looks like Poland, Prague, Austria, Belgium, Holland, but nothing jeans, knee high socks and a light jacket can't handle. Need to pack more socks.

The hotter spots look like a Perth summer. I think I can handle those. Need a poncho and umbrella for the rain though.

So I'm pretty content with that. I can continue packing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Em, you're so organised! It's truly inspiring.